Season’s greetings and a warm welcome from the organising team of Telemedicon 2023 in Goa on 3rd, 4th, 5th November 2023
The theme of the conference is “Emerging Technologies Connecting the Indian Healthcare System” In continuation to my Previous Message, we are happy to say that the preparation and planning for this prestigious academic feast is underway. We look forward to you all joining in large numbers to enjoy the Goan weather, Goan Culture, Goan Cusine, Goan Beaches, Goan fun & frolics.
The industry participation is heartening, registrations are in good progress, the scientific program is getting structured and the associate event planning is in full swing. For the novice and the early learners let me give you a brief that telemedicine is often used as a generic term to describe all forms of IT-enabled Healthcare reform, but in can best be thought of under four main themes, namely:
Embracing a whole variety of Clinical Applications, Including:
Telemedicine (Virtual Consultations) as well as Vital Signs Monitoring for chronically ill patients.
Virtual outreach clinics supported by Video Conferencing, Telehealth & TeleCare, i.e. providing more healthcare services in the home environment.
ePrescribing and eBooking services to access to healthcare services in secondary and tertiary care centres.
Providing eLearning through the use of the Web as an educational resource for the entire healthcare professional body who require their healthcare skills to be updated continuously throughout their working career.
Delivering appropriate healthcare information to the general public through the use of all media channels such that population-based healthcare demand profiles can be changed as a result of empowering citizens with appropriate knowledge such that they take on more responsibility for providing for their own healthcare needs, proactive, precision medicine.
Providing a lifetime health record for citizens which when depersonalised and the data is aggregated, can enable large scale population based epidemiological studies to be made in real time, such that adverse healthcare trends in defined population can be identified and strategies put in place to minimize the impact long before it was possible previously.
Today from Cradle to Grave we all need a longitudinal health record that’s interoperable in this flat world.
See you soon with more messages to come.