
You can register for in-person attendance for the entire day, or individual blocks. If you are planning on attending only one or two of the sessions, please register for the individual sessions, as we have limited capacity.

Geneva Digital Health Day : Preliminary Program

30th May

Health Equity in the Digital Age: Bridging the Divide

 8.30 – 10.00

Guiding Digital Health: Strategies Steering Digital Transformation

 10.30 – 12.00

AI for Life: Integration of AI in Public & Personal Health

 12.30 – 14.30

Innovation to Implementation: Scaling Digital Health Globally

15.00 – 16.30

Space & Global Health: From Satellites to Stethoscopes

17.00 – 18.30

Health Equity in the Digital Age: Bridging the Divide

08.30 – 10.00

Time Health Equity in the Digital Age Auditorium
8:30 am


Dr. Caroline Perrin
Geneva Digital Health Hub
8:35 am
8:45 am
8:55 am

Achieving Health Equity: Strategies and Challenges in the Digital Health Landscape (Panel)

Javier Elkin
Jessica Mayenda
Village Reach
David Braun
Philippe Guinot
Laurie Werner
Rebecca Stevens Alder
9:25 am
9:30 am
9:35 am
9:40 am
9:50 am


Dr. Smisha Agarwal
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Health Equity in the Digital Age Workshop 1 H8-01-D Health Equity in the Digital Age Workshop 2 H8-01-F

8:30 am

Empowering African Women in Digital Health: Strategies for Inclusive Growth and Leadership

8:30 am - 10:00 am (90 min)
Health Equity in the Digital Age Workshop 2
Assiatou Kama
Speak up Africa
Yaye Sophietou Diop
Speak up Africa

Digital Health as a catalyst to advance gender equality and accelerate progress towards UHC

8:30 am - 10:00 am (90 min)
Health Equity in the Digital Age Workshop 1
Kirsten Mathieson
Deputy Director & Policy Lead, Transform Health
Caesar Kogoziga
Allan Maleche
Executive Director, Transform Health, Kenya
Yacine Djibo 
Founder and Executive Director, Speak up Africa
Jules Gaye
Living Goods
Kristy Kade
Advocate & Strategist

Guiding Digital Health: Strategies Steering Digital Transformation

10.30 – 12.00

Time Guiding Digital Health
10:30 am


Ambassador Benedikt Wechsler
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland
10:35 am
10:45 am

Measuring global maturity and progress of Digital Health (Panel)

Patty Mechael
Prof. Alain Labrique
11:05 am

Living Evidence Portal (Lightning Talk)

Prof. Douglas Teodoro
Geneva University
11:10 am
11:15 am
11:20 am
11:30 am
11:45 am

Data before AI

Prof. Rajendra Pratap Gupta
11:50 am

Digital Health solutions for preventing opioid overdose deaths (SaaS/SaMD) (Lightning Talk)

Dr. Chandana Unnithan
Lifeguard Digital Health Inc & Torrens University Australia
11:55 am
12:00 pm

Bridging the Digital Health Talents Gap in the GCC

Dr. Osama Elhassan
Co-Founder & Chair, ZIMAM

Guiding Digital Health Workshop 1 Guiding Digital Health Workshop 2

10:30 am

Stay Left Shift Left 10X – A new doctrine for transforming global health

10:30 am - 12:00 pm (90 min)
Guiding Digital Health Workshop 1
Dr Donal Bailey
Prof. Martin Curley

More effective and accountable digital health investment – A consultation on a new digital health investment checklist and investment taxonomy

10:30 am - 12:00 pm (90 min)
Guiding Digital Health Workshop 2
Laurie Werner
Mathilde Forslund
Transform Health
Caesar Kogoziga
Erica Layer

AI for Life: The Integration of AI in Public and Personal Health

12.30 – 14.30

Time AI for Life
12:30 pm

Welcoming Remarks

Stéphanie Trang
12:35 pm
12:45 pm
12:55 pm

Enabling Responsible AI for Accessible Diagnosis (Panel)

Rigveda Kadam
Dr Faustine Ndugulile
Ministry of Health Tanzania
Dr Laura Arbelaez
Dr Ricardo Baptista Leite
S.T. Setiaji
Ministry of Health of The Republic of Indonesia
1:15 pm
1:20 pm
1:25 pm
1:30 pm
1:40 pm

Digital Health Privacy and Security with Artificial Intelligence (Panel)

Dr. Chandana Unnithan
Lifeguard Digital Health Inc & Torrens University Australia
Dr.Victoria Lemieux
University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Tam Nguyen
St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne
2:00 pm

Large AI Models for Health (Keynote)

Prof. Marcel Salathé
2:10 pm

The Future of AI (Panel)

Pradeep Kakkattil
Health Innovation Exchange
Prof. Marcel Salathé
Cedric Odje

AI for Life Workshop 2

1:00 pm

A Simulation and Solutioning Workshop : Navigating AI in Global Healthcare

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm (90 min)
AI for Life Workshop 2
Dr. Aishwarya Rohatgi
Col. Sameer Kanwar
Director Digital Health, India & South Asia, PATH

Innovation to Implementation: Scaling Digital Health Globally

15.00 – 16.30

Time Innovation to Implementation
3:00 pm


Erika Placella
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
3:05 pm
3:15 pm

The Aga Khan Development Network (Keynote)

Saleem Sayani
Aga Khan University
3:20 pm

Building partnerships to scale and institutionalize outcomes-oriented digital health solutions (Panel)

Jai Ganesh Udayasankaran
Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN)
Megha Kumar
Medtronic LABS
3:40 pm
3:45 pm
3:50 pm
3:55 pm

Innovation to Implementation Workshop 1

3:00 pm

A digital-first approach for integrating rehabilitation into primary care

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm (90 min)
Innovation to Implementation Workshop 1
Kari-Pekka Murtonen
Chief Specialist and Head of Global Action, Institute of Rehabilitation, JamkUniversity of Applied Sciences
Dr. Eeva Aartolahti
Senior researcher, Institute of Rehabilitation, Jamk University of Applied Sciences

Space & Global Health: From Satellites to Stethoscopes

17.00 – 18.30

Time Space & Global Health
5:00 pm

Exploring Space and Global Health: An Introduction

Prof. Claude Nicollier
Marco Sieber
Prof. Antoine Geissbuhler
University of Geneva
5:20 pm
5:30 pm


Dr. Chadia Wannous
5:40 pm
5:50 pm

European Space Agency. Innovating for Space & Global Health(Challenge Pitch session)

Dr. Stefano Ferretti
EO4 Health Lead, European Space Agency (ESA).
6:05 pm

Data Governance/Management (Panel)

Dr. Steve MacFeely
Prof. Rajendra Pratap Gupta
6:20 pm

Enhancing better collaboration between Space and Global Health(Panel)

Dr. Natália Archinard
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)
Dr. Jorge Del Rio Vera
Aygul Duysenhanova
Prof. Antoine Geissbuhler
University of Geneva
Martyn Clark
Geo Secretariat
Ravi Shankar Santhana Gopala Krishnan
6:45 pm

Concluding Remarks

Markus Reubi
Delegate of the Federal Council for the 2030 Agenda, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Space & Global Health Workshop 1

5:00 pm

Barriers to sustainability of clinical decision-support interventions

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm (90 min)
Space & Global Health Workshop 1
Swiss TPH